Virtualbox interface bluestacks shutdown
Virtualbox interface bluestacks shutdown

virtualbox interface bluestacks shutdown virtualbox interface bluestacks shutdown

Decide on which directory to give access in BlueStacks.First Download 'Root Explorer' (Included Below) and Install 'Root Explorer' in Bluestacks.On Mac, you probably need to convert SDCard.vdi file into RAW format (as mentioned above) and mount the image, or use VirtualBox software to access the VDI image.Īnother easier way is simply to install FTP or SCP plugin for Total Commander app and transfer the files via network.įollow the steps on this Xda developer page to get to the root directory of bluestacks: Find Bluestacks SD Card Location in Your PC. Then you can try to mount these files by some software which can support Linux ext3 file systems.Īlternatively you can install Total Commander, Root or File Explorer (or similar app) in BlueStacks, then transfer your files into fake SSD card and they should appear in C:\ProgramData\BlueStacks\UserData\SharedFolder folder. vdi files into RAW image which you can mount by the following command: VBoxManage clonehd -format RAW Root.vdi Root.img You can find your data files under: C:\ProgramData\BlueStacks\UserData\SharedFolder on Windows or Library/BlueStacks/Android on Mac, but the data files are in 'VDI' format (VirtualBox Drive Image).

virtualbox interface bluestacks shutdown

BlueStacks is an Android emulator, which is basically running virtual machine with different operating system, therefore you can't access your files directly.

Virtualbox interface bluestacks shutdown